Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Media Try And Coronate John (maverick) McCain

The John McCain-for-president website has posted a column from David Broder of the Washington Post praising the senator. This Republican candidate's campaign seems to think that people will be impressed that a Post columnist has found something nice to say about the Arizona Senator. I am not impressed. I know something about the paper, which we call the Compost. It is very liberal and pro-Democrat.

You see, 'maverick' means sticking it to your own side, putting your finger in the eye of your guys, while you get to go on TV and sound important. The reason you get asked to go on TV, well that is because you are sticking it to your side. So now the 'maverick voters' are saying, to hell with you John McCain -- You forgot one thing, the media can't elect you. Ha, the last laugh is ours.

Si Amigo, I si what I si, and I know what I si, and you the McCain amigo in the sombrero is no conservative, si. You sir, look more like 'McGovern' everyday, si?

Original article

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