Thursday, May 31, 2007

When Did This Happen

al Qaeda operating in Iraq? AP printed this story? Absolutely amazing.
Although al-Qaida is a Sunni organization opposed to the Shiite Muslim-dominated government, its ruthlessness and reliance on foreign fighters have alienated many Sunnis in Iraq.

The U.S. military congratulated Amariyah residents for standing up to al-Qaida.

"The events of the past two days are promising developments. Sunni citizens of Amariyah that have been previously terrorized by al-Qaida are now resisting and want them gone. They're tired of the intimidation that included the murder of women," Kuehl said.
Do the Democrats know? Someone get Sen Reid on the phone and tell him al Qaeda is losing in Iraq. The AP wouldn't lie, not about something like this.

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

More Globull Warming

Who pays the carbon tax??

The source of the fires are the red dots, upper center left

In late May, a massive smoke plume hundreds of kilometers across blew eastward over New Brunswick toward the Atlantic Ocean. On May 26, 2007, the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) on NASA’s Terra satellite captured this image at 11:40 a.m. local time. By the time MODIS took this picture, the smoke appeared to have completely detached itself from the source, a large fire burning in southwestern Quebec, beyond the western edge of this image.

In this image, the smoke appears as a gray-beige opaque mass with fuzzy, translucent edges. The plume is thickest in the southwest and diminishes toward the northeast. Just southwest of the plume is a red outline indicating a hotspot—an area where MODIS detected anomalously warm surface temperatures, such as those resulting from fires. This hotspot, however, is not the source for this smoke plume. According to a bulletin from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, the southwestern Quebec fire (visible in this wider-area view as a semi-circular arrangement of hotspots at image left) was the source.

According to reports from the Canadian Interagency Forest Fire Centre on May 29, that fire was estimated at 63,211 hectares (156,197 acres), and it was classified as “being held.” At the same time, more than 20 wildfires burned in Quebec, news sources reported, and firefighters from other Canadian provinces and the United States had been brought in to provide reinforcements for the area’s firefighters.

NASA image by Jeff Schmaltz, MODIS Rapid Response Team, Goddard Space Flight Center.

Why Americans Are Skeptical About Immigration Reform

Well, Bush blew this one, doesn't really understand the problem, does he?
"A lot of Americans are skeptical about immigration reform, primarily because they don't think the government can fix the problems," Bush said.
Nope, not even close. Most Americans are skeptical about immigration reform primarily because they don't think the government WILL fix the problem.

Change one word, a very big difference.

I read the whole asinine bill, did you? The problem is obvious. Look at the 2006 Secure Fence Act for details about the "WILL" part.

Sunday, May 27, 2007

Mexico On Fire

So you think the US is to blame for atmospheric pollution? Think again. The third world, yes that includes Mexico and it's backwards cast society, masquerading as a democracy, use the technique of agricultural field burning to clear the waste left after the harvest. The only problem with clearing the waste, it dumps unknown amounts of pollutants in the atmosphere, soot, dust, CO2 and other much more noxious gases. But strangely, no one seems to care about this gross polluting that sometimes covers entire countries?


Simple, with the help of Liberals worldwide it is believed that the US economy is the enemy of mankind and must be destroyed. The people of the world don't think the Democrats will ever be able to finish off the destruction of the US economy with draconian taxes alone, so they need a little help from leftists worldwide. The efforts global warming alarmists want to expedite is their efforts to hamstring the "unfair" US and global economy with greenhouse gas regulation.

Check out the smoke drifting off the Mexican coast of the Yucatan Peninsula. Click the lower photo for a detailed view. Pollution in the smoke haze rivals anything in the world, yet no one wants to control these largely man set fires. Why? Until they do control this practice of setting agricultural fires to clear land in a meaningful way, I say the whole globull warming hoax is bunk. Yeah, I know, it's an easy target, but that what it's all about, spend less money to fix the most, is it not? The fix here is cheap and easy, don't do it, use other methods to prepare fields for crops.

Fires and smoke were widespread across southern Mexico and northern Central America in mid-May 2007. This image from the MODIS on NASA’s Aqua satellite shows places where the sensor detected actively burning fires on May 22 marked in red. Part of the washed-out appearance of the water in the eastern part of Campeche Bay is from sunglint, or glare from sunlight, but there is also smoke spreading both north and south of the isthmus.

Both intentional agricultural fires and accidental and natural wildfires occur in this part of the world in Northern Hemisphere winter and spring. The rainy season usually begins in late May to early June, bringing fire season to a close.

Friday, May 25, 2007

AMNESTY Explained

Ed Messe explains it all in this short video.


I reread the Senate AMNESTY bill, it just keeps getting worse, it's still AMNESTY, didn't change over night. Don't you wish your back tax obligations would be erased with no penalty? No problem getting forged identity cards, fake Social Security numbers, welfare services, break into our country and take advantage of us. Try that with Mexico and see what it gets you. That's the face of AMNESTY.

What's perplexing is why anyone thinks the people will believe the government now when they haven't even built the fence, heck not even made a serious try building the fence, or enforced the border. Been trying since the first AMNESTY in 1965. The bill that was just signed into law in October 2006. Doesn't bode well for the enforcement provision in the new magic bill, does it.

President Bush, AMNESTY is AMNESTY, stop saying it isn't before your last die hard supporters desert. We can read and comprehend, no matter how much obfuscation is used, well at least older Americans can -- Might work with some the illiterate younger people.

Finally We Can Define Torture

After struggling through the warped minds of the what used to be the respected media in the world, we have come upon the definition of torture as defined by the enemy. How convenient the al Qaeda pictures explaining the torture "are too gross for children's sensibilities and may be too full of blood and guts for many viewers." The Smoking Gun has it all laid out in detail for you.

If you bought into the panties on the head, the low temperatures, standing in the corner for long hours, no sleep, the barking dogs, the weird pig piles, then I guess you are of the opinion that the U.S. tortures, but if you have any brains you will know what real torture looks like when you see it.

After looking through the illustrations I think it can be said that we can all agree, we are against al Qaeda's version of torture. It's inhuman to cut off peoples limbs, pull out their eyes, burn them with blow torches, hang them up to be electrocuted, beating, breaking arms, preventing breathing ... Now, that I am against, in no uncertain terms.

Go ahead, click the link, take a peak, see what real torture is from the illustrated manual of al Qaeda. See what our captured soldiers face, what Iraqis face, in the hands of the enemy. Compare this to panties on the head, standing on a box with a hood and fake wires attached to your arms, loud music, see the difference yet?

Thursday, May 24, 2007

AMNESTY Explained

The Heritage Foundation has done the heavy lifting and the AMNESTY bill currently in the Senate being debated is much worse than you thought. The whole horrific bill is laid out in the analysis right here.

Republicans wanted enforcement triggers, temporary workers, stop chain chain migration.

Democrats want the instant AMNESTY and instant voters.

And that is the essence of the grand compromise. Democrat voters by the millions, no enforcement after the first ACLU lawsuit gets filed. Why is Ted Kennedy smiling.

There is no way this abomination is good for America.

Fires And Global Warming

Pretty common around these parts in the spring. The land drys out, the lightening storms float over the area, and fires start. Hard to put out because of the difficult terrrain. Lots of CO2, ash, soot, tar, and particles released into the atmosphere, won't stop until the rains of June extinguish them, despite man's best efforts. The rains will then cause more dense undergrowth to grow which starts the cycle all over next year.

Click on image for higher resolution image.

This image, captured by the MODIS on the Aqua satellite, shows the Bugaboo Fire on May 21, 2006. Called “Bugaboo Scrub” in Georgia and “Florida Bugaboo” in Florida, the fire marched across the Okefenokee Swamp and adjacent land, including pine plantations and state parks, in Georgia and Florida in May 2007.

As of May 20, the Southern Area Coordination Center estimated the size of the affected area as more than 287,000 acres (1,161 square kilometers). A lightning strike started the blaze on Bugaboo Scrub Island in the Okefenokee Swamp in southeastern Georgia on May 5, and the fire engulfed thousands of acres a day as it spread south into Florida.

Fires are not uncommon in the peat-rich swamps of the southeastern United States. The Okefenokee Swamp harbors diverse vegetation communities, from marshes to tree-covered islands. During times of drought, the thick layers of peat—dead vegetation that doesn’t decay because it is submerged in water—dry out and become extremely flammable, as do the marsh grasses and scrub vegetation. Southern pine trees add to the flammability. In May 2007, southeastern Georgia and northern Florida were experiencing extreme drought, according to the U.S. Drought Monitor, which increased the risk that any fires that did start this season would become large and out-of-control.

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

You Elected These Dummies

The House just passed a bill to reduce the price of gasoline. The bill allows the Federal government to sue the oil countries, yes sue them. How and where is left open, as if it mattered. So the big energy plan for the Democrats, sue OPEC ... Stupid is as stupid does. New meaning of dummer than a box a rocks is in there someplace, I'll leave it to you to figure out who.
WASHINGTON - Decrying near-record high gasoline prices, the House voted Tuesday to allow the government to sue OPEC over oil production quotas.

The White House objected, saying that might disrupt supplies and lead to even higher costs at the pump. The Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries is the cartel that accounts for 40 percent of the world's oil production.

"We don't have to stand by and watch OPEC dictate the price of gas," Judiciary Committee Chairman John Conyers (news, bio, voting record), D-Mich., the bill's chief sponsor, declared, reflecting the frustration lawmakers have felt over their inability to address people's worries about high summer fuel costs.

The measure passed 345-72. A similar bill awaits action in the Senate.
I assume the nut-roots asked for this?

Hey dummer-crats, ever heard of drilling your own oil wells? It increases supply, did you know that?


Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Gonna Take A Woman To Clean Up The House

It's obvious there was little effort to clean up anything. Including earmarks and other Congressional favors. Time to get even and throw the rats out, right? What about lobbyists, no change there either. Elections are the time the lies fly heavy.

The good news, Republicans never did stuff like this, the media would have cut them up and shredded the result. So what will happen now? At least CNN is on the ball, but why?

Monday, May 21, 2007


“We should scrap this bill and the whole debate until we can convince the American people that we have secured the borders or at least have made great headway.” -Fred Dalton Thompson 5/07

For you history buffs here is an oldie but goodie

In 1965, Democratic Senator Ted Kennedy was the chairman of the subcommittee that conducted the hearings on the (AMNESTY)bill. At that time, Senator Kennedy made the following promise and assurance when he stated, “Our cities will not be flooded with a million immigrants annually. Under the proposed bill, the present level of immigration remains substantially the same. ... The ethnic mix of this country will not be upset. ... Contrary to the charges in some quarters, S. 500 will not inundate America with immigrants from any other country or area, or the most populated and economically deprived nations of Africa and Asia."

The Democrat Congress passed that AMNESTY bill.

AMNESTY is AMNESTY, no matter how much lipstick you put on the pig. Else why not build the fence now, and do a comprehensive bill when the fence is done and working? No new legislation needed, the Pres already signed the 700 mile fence bill, Right Tony? Show us the good faith Tony, tell the Pres to build the real fence, you know, the one he said he would just a few months back, not the phony virtual fence. The Pres did intend to build the fence when he signed the bill, didn't he Tony? Oh you mean he didn't mean it, but now he really really does mean it and promises to do better. Spare me the hand wringing please ...

OK, don't like that, try this ... Does anyone believe a new magic law will be enforced any better than the last two magic laws were. Still waiting for the enforcement of the 1986 AMNESTY law, and the 1965 AMNESTY law ... waiting and waiting. Why not just use the old magic laws, they are hardly worn. Lets break out the 1965 and 1986 magic laws and enforce them and then see where we end up when these laws is fully enforced. After all, promises were made, not too late to keep. Any takers?

No third strikes ...

Sen Sessions destroys the bill here.

I see a trend ... every 20 years or so we need a new magic AMNESTY law ... Credibility is going out the window, quit now.

Now the heavy lifting, the bill is out, at least a draft is out, and Hugh Hewitt has a summary here. More tomorrow, as I plan on using the NZ Bear version and read through this travesty to see what is really going on. The fact that Sen Reid had scheduled a vote for 5:00 Monday goes against everything our Democracy stands for. No hearings, no chance to review, just vote. Sure Harry, sure.

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Agricultural Fires And Global Warming

On May 13, 2007, the MODIS on NASA’s Aqua satellite captured an image of fires in Honduras and Nicaragua, along with smoke-filled skies over the Pacific Ocean. Places where MODIS detected active fire are marked in red.
Click image for more detailed image.

The last few weeks the fires in Florida, naturally caused by lightening, showed the residents of the state how bad fire is for the atmosphere. Choking smoke blanketed the state, until this week, when it has rained nearly every afternoon so finally today the smoke is mostly gone, the air is mostly clear.

Who did it, well it sure wasn't all powerful man, the fire crews were doing yeoman's duty, but the best they could do was contain the fires, somewhat. Not put them out. They built roads around the fires and hoped they would burn everything inside the roads and eventually go out for lack of more fuel. Then came the rain.

So along comes the pictures at the top of the page. The majority of the fires shown are very likely man caused, brush clearing, land clearing, and agricultural waste burning. The CO2 released by this fires is enormous, the ash, the soot, yet no one complains about the damage to the atmosphere. Why?

The answer is very simple, it's not about globull warming, it's about destroying the U.S. economy. If it were about globull warming, then these fires would take center stage. Most third world countries do the same thing, set their country on fire, mostly for agricultural reasons, as the fires spread, the whole country is set ablaze by embers blowing in the wind.

Next time you hear about how bad your car is, and how burning fossil fuels are for the atmosphere, think about this and the massive 'damage' that is done by this practice.

Wednesday, May 16, 2007


Wise advice.

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

al Qaeda Is Finished In Iraq Anbar Province

When you consider this is an on air CNN report it is even more shocking. I guess we now know why the Senate must vote this week on defunding the war. The surge is working and credit where credit is due, Gen Petraeus is the man. Looks like Bush is finally getting it right.

The Death Of Gun Control

It's no wonder no one listens to the gun control loons any more. Too many times in the past few years we heard the plaintive cry how the 'streets would run red", it will look like "Dodge City" and other equally foolish pronouncements. The results, nothing happened, citizens packing concealed weapons caused no effect, except for the crime rates going down.

Rights and responsibilities go hand in hand, if cannot shoulder your responsibilities as a citizen, you will not have any rights.

There is one last thing that needs attention ... American citizens need to re-learn how to protect themselves and how to fight back.

Saturday, May 12, 2007

Smoke Blankets The State

The circling clouds of an intense low-pressure system sat off the southeast coast of the United States on May 8, 2007, when the MODIS on NASA’s Terra satellite captured this image. By the following morning, the storm developed enough to be classified as a subtropical storm, a storm that forms outside of the tropics, but has many of the characteristics—hurricane-force winds, driving rains, low pressure, and sometimes an eye—of a tropical storm.

Although it arrived several weeks shy of the official start of the hurricane season (June 1), Subtropical Storm Andrea became the first named storm of the 2007 Atlantic hurricane season. The storm has the circular shape of a tropical cyclone in this image, but lacks the tight organization seen in more powerful storms. By May 9, the storm’s winds reached 75 kilometers per hour (45 miles per hour), and the storm was not predicted to get any stronger, said the National Hurricane Center.

Though Subtropical Storm Andrea was expected to remain offshore, its strong winds and high waves pummeled coastal states, prompting a tropical storm watch. The winds fueled wild fires (marked with red boxes) in Georgia and Florida. The wind-driven flames generated thick plumes of smoke that concentrated in a gray-brown mass over Tampa Bay, Florida. Unfortunately for Georgia and Florida, which are experiencing moderate to severe drought, Subtropical Storm Andrea was not predicted to bring significant rain to the region right away, according to reports on the Washington Post Website.

Thursday, May 10, 2007

The BTU Tax Is Back

Proving that bad Liberal ideas never die, they just come back another day. In 1993 Clinton tried to unload the BTU tax on the American people, it died a painful death. Here it comes again.

Facts, we don't need any stinking facts, we have the Goracle to guide us. Globull Warming for all.

Bend over, get ready to pay, Sen Inhofe has a study from MIT that estimates it will amount to $4,500 in new taxes a year per ... Read the MIT paper reference by Inhofe for more information.

Did the donks have this BTU tax in their plan, tell anyone about it, or did the hoax just come up?

The Petroleum Institute speaks up.

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

A Warning To Britian

BBC Panorama had a scary little show tonight on the refusal of British Muslims to integrate into mainstream society, and their takeover of the town of Blackburn. The easy way to take over a country, take over the culture, install Shria law and push the ones that won't submit out. Same as what is going on in the USA. First you have Balkanization, then you have conquest ...

Astronomers Astonished by 'Monstrous' Star Explosion

Artists rendition of the star exploding

Scientists have detected a stellar explosion that is the brightest and most energetic ever recorded, and it could be the first evidence of a new type of supernova predicted to occur with only the most massive stars in the universe.

The SN 2006gy explosion occurred in a galaxy 240 million light years away, called NGC 1260, and was 100 times more energetic than typical supernovae.

It was detected in September 2006 using ground-based telescopes and NASA's Chandra X-ray space observatory.


Friday, May 4, 2007

A Message For Reid and Pelosi

United We Stand...Republicans have a message for Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi.

Saulius "Saul" Anuzis
Michigan Republican Party

Tuesday, May 1, 2007

San Fran Nan's First 100 Days

Watching, Hoping

Dell Picks Ubuntu

The rumor is all over with CNet saying they have the details, Dell is going to pre-load Ubuntu on their products. This is big, if true. It shold significantly lower the costs associated with software.

The dam breaks ...
Dell picks Ubuntu for Linux PCs
Dell is trying a second time to sell personal computers with Linux preinstalled, this time using the up-and-coming Ubuntu version of the open-source operating system.

At the end of May, the No. 2 PC maker will begin selling some consumer-focused laptop and desktop models with Ubuntu's new "Feisty Fawn" version of Linux installed, Dell spokesman Kent Cook said. The company plans to announce the Linux move Tuesday on its IdeaStorm Web site, launched in February to gather feedback directly from customers about what they want.

When buying the Dell systems, customers will have the option to purchase support from Ubuntu backer Canonical, said Jane Silber, the start-up's director of operations.

Companies have been trying for years to make a go of Linux on PCs--Dell even invested in one company, Eazel--but generally, they've had little success, even though they offered lower prices, polished graphical interfaces and necessary software such as Microsoft Office competitor
This is the long awaited beginning of the end for the monopoly, Ubuntu is great, works fine and has all you need to do your daily tasks.

Get your cup of free Ubuntu right here. Yes, desktop Linux is real.