Sunday, May 27, 2007

Mexico On Fire

So you think the US is to blame for atmospheric pollution? Think again. The third world, yes that includes Mexico and it's backwards cast society, masquerading as a democracy, use the technique of agricultural field burning to clear the waste left after the harvest. The only problem with clearing the waste, it dumps unknown amounts of pollutants in the atmosphere, soot, dust, CO2 and other much more noxious gases. But strangely, no one seems to care about this gross polluting that sometimes covers entire countries?


Simple, with the help of Liberals worldwide it is believed that the US economy is the enemy of mankind and must be destroyed. The people of the world don't think the Democrats will ever be able to finish off the destruction of the US economy with draconian taxes alone, so they need a little help from leftists worldwide. The efforts global warming alarmists want to expedite is their efforts to hamstring the "unfair" US and global economy with greenhouse gas regulation.

Check out the smoke drifting off the Mexican coast of the Yucatan Peninsula. Click the lower photo for a detailed view. Pollution in the smoke haze rivals anything in the world, yet no one wants to control these largely man set fires. Why? Until they do control this practice of setting agricultural fires to clear land in a meaningful way, I say the whole globull warming hoax is bunk. Yeah, I know, it's an easy target, but that what it's all about, spend less money to fix the most, is it not? The fix here is cheap and easy, don't do it, use other methods to prepare fields for crops.

Fires and smoke were widespread across southern Mexico and northern Central America in mid-May 2007. This image from the MODIS on NASA’s Aqua satellite shows places where the sensor detected actively burning fires on May 22 marked in red. Part of the washed-out appearance of the water in the eastern part of Campeche Bay is from sunglint, or glare from sunlight, but there is also smoke spreading both north and south of the isthmus.

Both intentional agricultural fires and accidental and natural wildfires occur in this part of the world in Northern Hemisphere winter and spring. The rainy season usually begins in late May to early June, bringing fire season to a close.

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