Sunday, December 9, 2007

Old Hippie Writes Energy Bill

When an old hippie writes and energy bill, you get what the House produced this last week. Hall of Record has the details.

We don't need any old 60s hippies trying to tell us how to live our lives. This creaky old Democrat leadership crew lavishly slap on the botox, stretch and pull, laser peel and sand, to try and make themselves look young, hip, vibrant -- You should be aware that that is a hard job when you are over the social security retirement age. Nancy Pelosi was born March 26, 1940, which makes her 67 going on 20. Senator Boxer was born November 11, 1940, who now chairs the Senate Energy committee, trying to look 17 again. Just two old 67 year old hippies looking for their last fling. Sen Harry Ried was born December 2, 1939, the oldest and some say most intellectually challenged of the whole bananas bunch.

Fine choice of leaders, old hippies, retreads whose former glory was protesting a war, forcing a defeat of America, and getting rid of Nixon. What a set of accomplishments. Times change, and the old hippie ways don't work anymore. Might as well give it up while you can.

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