Tuesday, November 20, 2007

It's Back

The Medieval Warming Period that is. Despite the best efforts of the 'Mann Team' to make it go away, it's back in all it's glory.
All the graphics in Al Gores movie, The Inconvenient Truth, the Medieval Warming Period and Little Ice Age we gone, or diminished to little bump on the graph. Just 1000 years of benign climate with a 20th century hockey stick. All this based on the numerous tree ring studies by Dr Mann and the rest of the Hockey Stick Team, now know simply as "the Team." How Dr. Craig Loehle has published his study of A 2000-YEAR GLOBAL TEMPERATURE RECONSTRUCTION, BASED ON NON-TREERING PROXIES.

Readers can down load a copy of Dr Loehie's study using the link on Climate Audit, and then stick around for the discussion of this latest contribution to the climate change discussion. Please note that the MWP was not, as some claim, just a European event, but one with global implications as the MWP was warmer than it is today, indicating that the earth had warmed without the aid of SUVs spewing CO2.

You see, the reason the Medieval Warm Period had to disappear from climate history charts is that it shows the temperature in recent times was warmer than it is today. You may also note two other things, the period of time of the beginning of America,, it was much colder. Remember Washington crossing the Delaware and pushing aside the ice floats? And secondly, temperatures have been going up and the sea level has been rising slightly ever since the end of the little ice age -- Just like the data today shows.

Like the Soviets and their science, these inconvenient truths simply don't fit the Goracle's alarmist narrative and ruined the whole 'we are all going to die' scenario presented in the last week by the ever helpful UN. Who BTW would be the recipient of the trillions in taxes for their devious plans. Hmmm, anyone else see a huge conflict of interest here?

I wonder what the alarmists and especially the 'Mann team', will do next? Since their vaunted computer models does not predict it even existed, they are faced with a messy situation -- Who will tell the Goracle?

As the chart above and the fossil record shows, there really was a reason that the Vikings named Greenland, well you know, Greenland instead of Glacierland. But it didn't last, eventually the little ice age overwhelmed the Vikings and their paradise and they had to evacuate to warmer climates.

For comparison, here is the Goracle in the film displaying the Mann Team hockey stick, see if you can spot the difference.

Scene from AIT, with Gore standing in front of a hockey stick graph

The chart in all it's close up glory

Dr Thompson’s Thermometer from Inconvenient Truth.

A site that needs special mention to anyone who wants to look into the details is Climate Audit, Steve McIntyre's site. A great resource, where science goes on hourly ...

You may take from this that while the alarmists argue the science is settled, it is not even settled what the historical temperature record for the last 2,000 years is. What does the UN-IPCC settle on, that would be the cherry picked data which supports their alarmism, and leave all the rest hidden from the people -- Who will likely have little time, nor care, to look into the situation and find out for themselves the details. And why did they settle on the 'hockey stick look', simple, their computer models could not be made to reproduce the real data, so they settled on what the computer models could reproduce. Otherwise, and easy test would be to run the computer models against the past and see how they do. They did, and won't share the results. How scientific is that?

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