Friday, June 8, 2007

Why The Immigration Bill Failed

The answer is quite obvious, when the bill is less popular than the Iraq war, it deserves to be defeated. Rassmussen has the details here.
The last Rasmussen Reports national telephone poll found that just 23% of Americans supported the legislation. When a bill has less popular support than the War in Iraq, it deserves to be defeated.

There is no mystery to why the public opposed the bill. In the minds of most Americans, immigration means reducing illegal immigration and enforcing the border. Only 16% believed the Senate bill would accomplish that goal.
And then there is this gem
However, most voters were willing to accept them as part of a true compromise that accomplished the primary goal of reducing illegal immigration.

The key to winning voter support was to accomplish that primary goal.
So the answer is obvious, enforce existing law, build the fence then the public will be ready to talk what's next. It's this idiotic comprehensive babble that is failing. Bu now everyone who wants to know, now knows that the 1986 AMNESTY bill failed because the enforcement provisions were never used.

Build the fence, add the border agents, fine employers, give everyone here now a biometric ID, after a period of grace, deport those without IDs, nothing stops the government from doing all that with existing laws. The illegal immigration luanacy must be stopped.

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