Friday, June 22, 2007

China Sunrise

As you would expect, the major media outlet missed the story, so here is a recap.
China has overtaken the United States as the top emitter of carbon dioxide, the main greenhouse gas, because of surging energy use in its economic boom, a Dutch environmental agency said. Other experts have estimated that China will not surpass the United States until as late as next year. ''But whether it is 2006 or 2007 is not the key issue,'' said Fatih Birol, chief economist of the International Energy Agency. ''What is key is that China is becoming the world's top carbon dioxide emitter.''
Newsbusters has the full story about the missed story. All the news that fit to print if it fits our agenda. You would think the news that China is now the worlds biggest polluter would make front page headlines worldwide, that is unless globull warming isn't real. How else can you explain the silence.

Looks like China is just not going to participate in our very own planetary emergency, since China told the G-8 Summit that they plan to do nothing about their CO2 problem. India is also saying they have no plans to participate in the planetary emergency. WHy you might ask? It's a hoax, globull warming caused by man made CO2 releases is a hoax.

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