Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Environmentalism, The New Communism

Václav Klaus in Texas two weeks ago.

As the House Energy and Commerce Committee prepares to question former Vice President Al Gore tomorrow morning about global warming, Czech President Vaclav Klaus is warning congressmen that 'environmental extremism is the modern equivalent of communism'

"I warn against adopting regulations based on the so-called precautionary principle which the environmentalists use to justify their recommendations, the clear benefit of which they are not able to prove." Klaus added, "Responsible politics should take into account the opportunity costs of such proposals and be aware of the fact that the wasteful environmentalist policies are adopted to the detriment of other policies, thus neglecting many other important needs of millions of people all over the world. Each policy measure must be based on a cost-benefit analysis."

-- That sage advice from one who knows communism and the European response to global warming.

Members of the U.S. Congress committees led by John Dingell (Dem) and Barbara Boxer (Dem) have decided to ask a European leader about her or his views on the climate change, before the hearings with Al Gore tomorrow. They chose Václav Klaus.

The full answers of Klaus to their five questions are here:

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