Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Obama Bingo

So everybody knows the Iraq deal was set in place by Bush, after the successful surge, And then agreed to by the Iraqis.

So what exactly is the Obama speech all about?

Monday, August 30, 2010

Life Is Tough, When You Are So Smart

This rascal was getting the best of the Obama's while in New Orleans on a propaganda trip this past weekend. Good thing Obama wasn't trying to rescue some Louisianians.

Yes it's a real picture ... Says alot.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Recovery Bummer!!!

The share of young people aged 16 to 24 who were employed this summer fell to 48.9 percent -- the lowest rate on record since 1948.

Read more:

Who Says Commies Aren't Cool

Oh you worried about all those 10s of millions of undersireable who had to be killed? And are still being?

Just watch the fun ... forget the pain

Can you see Moochele and Imam Obama in the first row clapping to the beat.

Friday, August 27, 2010

Rush Talks Tea Party, And More

One thing I can say, this election cycle has really exposed the problem ... And Beck's rally 'Restore Honor' is right on the mark. Without honor, we have no liberty loving country.

Rush explains why the Tea Party isn’t embraced by the Republican Party establishment and also talks about defending Sarah Palin to the point that he’s lost his temper in his own home arguing with those who just accept what the MSM says about her. -- From here:

Rocking Recovery Summer

Listen to the words ... They tell a story, a story of Obama's America. Wishful thinking Obama.

A mind that's weak and a back that's strong

-- what all socialist strive to perfect, the NAZI Eugenicists called them 'their perfect man'.

And the slave like society it portrays.

GDP revision downward to 1.6%. Of course most Americans know this, simply by driving by shopping centers and counting the closed storefronts. And of course corporate profits go up, as inventory and overhead are cut way back ... Makes things for the uninformed look rosy.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Sharron Angle's New Ad

Obama's On Vacation, Pass It On

Sorry you can't join us, America, I am sure. But I hear a bunch of fishermen are there to remind you of your stupid green crap.

Real real thing from 1982 -- "Vacation" is a 1982 single released by the all-female rock band The Go-Go's. The song was the first single from their album Vacation

Obama is having lots of lobster, golf and sticking it too America. Meanwhile, there are now near 25,000 oil workers laid off in the Gulf of Mexico, because of Obama's illegal deep water drilling moratorium.

The video was from a few years back, and they can still rock it. Look, everybody gets old.

Katrina Flashback

Sean Penn, left, seen carrying a shotgun in New Orleans (New York Post)
A photograph plastered on the cover of the New York Post Saturday shows a pump-action shotgun in Penn's right hand and a flak jacket in his left, with a story inside titled, "Ballistic River."

"It was in the boat, and he picked it up and carried it," Penn spokeswoman Mara Buxbaum told the Post, noting the weapon did not belong to him. "It was in the midst of helping three or four people who were being rescued, whom he brought to the hospital."

The man who snapped the picture, Edward Keating, was surprised to see someone carrying a weapon in the Garden District in broad daylight, and was further stunned when he became aware it was the star of "Mystic River" and "Fast Times at Ridgemont High."

"I was like ... wow,'" he said.

And when Keating asked Penn what he was doing, Penn only said, "I care about the people, and I care about this city, and I want to help."

No reason, just old news that may be of interest.

Finding Stupid

One of my favorite Fox News real news people... David Asman

Hey, wait, I think we had a nibble:

Why Ground Zero Is The Wrong Place For a Mosque

"Salt in the Wound" 
A song written by Rita Jones to express the feelings of all Americans 
who oppose the building of the mosque at Ground Zero. 
Thank you "El Marco" for use of some of your images.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Allen West For Congress

Great ad, great candidate -- give if you can ... A Great American

RNCC: Grayson Spews

And so it begins ... First up, FL-08

Imam Obama's Economy

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Where Is My Congressmen

Yoo Hoo, won't you come out and play?

Where are you?

Brought to you by Heritage Action for America.

Monday, August 23, 2010

What Else Could Go Wrong

What has been the problem with the government created sub-prime mortgage meltdown all along ...

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Rasmussen: Some Selections Of Latest Poling

Support for incumbent Democratic Senator Blanche Lincoln has now fallen to its lowest level yet as Republican John Boozman remains on track to shift Arkansas' Senate seat to the GOP column.

Republican Matt Mead receives a bounce in support following a tight primary victory Tuesday for Wyoming's next governor.

-19% ---- 25% of the nation's voters Strongly Approve of the way that Barack Obama is performing his role as president. Forty-four percent (44%) Strongly Disapprove -- This has basically been steady for sometime.

A new Rasmussen Reports telephone survey of Likely Voters finds that just 14% disagree and think the current identification system is sufficient. Just 4% are undecided on the issue.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Obama Christian: The Holy Koran

From Obama in his Cairo victory speech and tour ...

4th june 2009, Cairo, Egypt an opening of America and Islamic world Dialogue.

Note the Obama Arabic ethnic speech dialogue:

I guess most Christians wouldn't refer to the Koran as the "Holy Koran". Nor would they refer to Rev Wright's  BLT as Christianity.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Islam: Don't Believe The Lies

First up, the US Constitution, freedom and liberty for all, is profoundly at odds with Sharai Law. Every discussion of Sharai Law should start right there. And end for Americans shortly thereafter.

Obama recited the Muslim call to prayer was one of the most beautiful sounds at sunset on earth. It’s interesting that a guy who thinks we have 57 states (or possibly more) and talks about Navy “corpse-men” can recall “the opening lines of the Arabic call to prayer, reciting them with a first-rate accent.”

Read the Koran if you doubt ... Inform yourself on the evils of Sharira Law.

Something to ponder, the Imam pushing the Cordoba Center 'Hamasque', he wants America's Laws to become Sharai Law compliant. By that he means when two Muslims have a dispute, Sharia Law will be used to resolve the conflict.

Extreme, Anti-American Democrats

Who is extreme now!!!
57% think the Democrat agenda is “extreme”
60% favor repeal of Obamacare
56% disapprove of Obama’s job performance
61% favor immigration laws like Arizona just passed
68% oppose the Ground Zero mosque
65% are angry at federal government policies
65% say America is on the wrong track
As King George III found, governing against the will of the governed is a real danger.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Everything Old Is New Again

So Harry doesn't support doing away with the 14th Amendment citizenship for all the plop and drop aliens.

Didn't Harry just say he had no idea why Hispanics would vote for ? hmmm, this brings up a question for Harry doesn't it.

The 9/11 Families Produce An Ad On The Ground Zero Victory Mosque ... Cordoba Center

Will Pelosi want them investigated.

The Stupid, The Dumb, and The Really Dumber

And this provides the really dumber perspective ... From Brietbart TV:

Obviously our ruling class betters can't seem to allow for intelligent thinking, common sense, or other human traits. And they need a colonoscopy by big government to get their minds right.

Maybe a short history of the meaning of the Islamic reference of the word Córdoba is in order.

Cordova is a city in Andalusia, southern Spain, and the capital of the province of Córdoba.

It was captured in 711 by a Muslim army: in 716 it became a provincial capital, depending from the Caliphate of Damascus; in Arabic it was known as Qurṭuba. In May 766, it was elected as capital of the independent Muslim emirate of al-Andalus, later a Caliphate itself. During the caliphate apogee (1000 AD), Córdoba had a population of roughly 400,000 inhabitants.

And from the website of the Cordoba Initiative, the mosque builders, it says ... "seeks to actively promote engagement through a myriad of programs, by reinforcing similarities and addressing differences."

So Cordova was the capital of the former Islamic Caliphate ... hmmm, see the connections, they are obvious and should outrage every American.

Constitution: Separation of Church And State

The constitution states, "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof." 

It restricts Congress, the federal government, got that part? Our Bill of Rights, and our Constitution restricts things the Federal Government may not do to you, or for you. It limits the federal government. And after the 13th 14th and 15th Amendments, the Constitution and it's Bill of Rights was made to bind the States to observing the US Constitution.

Both the free exercise clause and the establishment clause place restrictions on the federal government concerning laws they pass or interfering with religion. No restrictions are placed on religions except perhaps that a religious denomination cannot become the state religion. 

But by reversing the meaning, religion cannot interfere with the State, ergo separation of chgurch nad State.

But in the context of the meaning at the time, the State was unable to interfere with religion. Got it? But now it's taken to mean that religion cannot interfere with the States of the Federal Government. Twisted reasoning, and not reading the words.

Budget Facts: Truth For Democrats, Still Blaming Bush

Since Imam Obama too office he has added another $3.1 trillion to the debt and about $3.7 trillion in Federal Reserve funny money to the debt pile. Tell your kids.

Some inconvienuent trtuth with your coffee today.

And something to ponder. why do Rev Wright and Imam Obama hate white people so much?

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Running Rats

Another Picture That Tells All

Thou shalt not be done.

Zombie Hands

A picture is worth a thousand words, when describing the Democrat party.

Read what Democrats are up to now, here.

And what can you use to cut the Zombie Hands off ... See the U.S. Constitution Article 1, Section 9, clause 4 --- that says:

"No Tax or Duty shall be laid on Articles exported from any State."

Read the Constitution, and understand what it says. That is the salvation for America.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Coattails: Watch For The Hole, It Moves

It's A New Time Of Choosing

The GOP is going on the offense -- This comes from the Republican Study Committee, which is headed, if I have the information right, by Rep. Tom Price of Georgia.

“Well I think it’s time we ask ourselves if we still know the freedoms that were intended for us by the Founding Fathers” Ronald Reagan

For those of you not familiar, this is from Reagan's speech on October 27, 1964. It is called "A Time for Choosing".

It is about 29 minutes long, please watch the rest of it. Help you find your way.

Where will America find it's next Reagan?

Video: Scott Walker Blasts Obama In WI Gubernatorial Ad

Are you as tired as most of hearing Obama's tired cliched teleprompter speeches? Then this makes good use of the point of your displeasure, those repetitive speech crutches, let me be perfectly clear -- Way past time for new speech writer.

It’s pretty easy to see what Scott Walker’s campaign strategy will be in Wisconsin to win back the governor’s office for the GOP:

And so why is Wisconsin the only state questioning the wasteful federal government spending ... no one will ever ride the train, because what do you do when you get to where the train is going? And isn't that the problem of European socialism and there compact little countries and America.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

The Constitution for Young People

Or passing fill in the blanks unread bills.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Weimar Cabaret: Tattered Rogue

How Germany failed and brought forth Hitler. The history of the Weimar Cabaret, where all hope was lost, and the German Reichstag voted for the Enabling Act of 1933. The Enabling Act of 1933 allowed Hitler to rule Germany by fiat bureaucratic regulations. And the rest is history.

Pretty much what now Justice Kagan wrote about in her Law Review paper "Presidential Administration" ...

Weimar Cabaret from the CD 1919

All music composed and produced by Jon Gilbert Leavitt. ©2008 "1919" JGLsongs LLC (ASCAP).

Friday, August 13, 2010


Judge Napolitano's History of Liberty, Pt. 1: The Original Tea Party

Judge Napolitano's History of Liberty, Pt. 2: The Civil War & Gilded Age

Judge Napolitano's History of Liberty, Pt. 3: The Progressive Era

Judge Napolitano's History of Liberty, Pt. 4: FDR's State & LBJ's Society

Judge Napolitano's History of Liberty, Pt. 5: Big Government and Tea Parties

Thursday, August 12, 2010

England To Build Nukes BY 2018

After massive power outages due to demand exceeding supply England will build more Nuclear Power stations, eight to be exact.

The country will have a new generation of nuclear power stations within eight years, Energy and Climate Change Secretary Chris Huhne said yesterday, as he insisted he had been miscast as an opponent of atomic energy.

In a move that will surprise many of his Liberal Democrat colleagues who oppose nuclear power, Mr Huhne insisted that he had not changed his stance on atomic power.

‘My views on nuclear power have always been much misunderstood,’ he said. ‘We are on course to make sure that the first new nuclear power station opens on time in 2018.’

And so how many will the USA build, so far none.

'google alarm'

Did it occur to you that google may not be the only one who has access to this data?

Plug-in tries to wake the world up to privacy issues ... did you know how much stuff is being sent to google while you browse?

Web users who install this browser plug-in hear a loud, buzzing noise whenever they visit a website that relays information to Google.

It might seem intuitive that Google tracks the Web activity of users who search for things at Google.com. But what's less obvious is that unassuming Web users might have their browsing behavior tracked on other sites, too.

Jamie Wilkinson, a technology entrepreneur unaffiliated with Google, created the 'Google Alarm' plug-in in an attempt to clear up any confusion.

"I'm very interested in exploring privacy issues on the internet, and the collection of data through these tracking bugs that are installed all over the Web is normally a very silent experience," he said. "And so my hope is to make it something more visceral, and raise awareness about the issue."

Wilkinson released the alarm plug-in on his website this week.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Promote Tolerance

Every-time the call to prayer goes off, five times daily, the gay bar plays YMCA, shaking the block.
Perhaps Harry Reid would like to explain how any black could possibly be a Democrat -- Since the Democrat legalized slavery, organized their terror wing the KKK, passed Jim Crow laws, segregation laws and filibustered the 1964 Civil Rights Act, see KKK Grand Kleagal Sen Byrd for details, he led the filibuster .... It really is mystifying how any black could be a Democrat?

Harry Reid is nothing more than one more disgusting Democrat racist.

The Weathermen

From NewZeal: Excellent doco on the Weathermen - the American communist terrorists, some of whom later got friendly with an up and coming Chicago politician named Barack Obama.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010


Monday, August 9, 2010


Does Obama ever work, I mean like most normal people do when they have a job? The National Republican Senatorial Committee has a new web ad out, and it’s pretty rough on the President:

Run against all the Democrats.

Geraldo: Muslim Waiter Bought Ground Zero Mosque

Apparently this guy saved the 4.8 million for this purchase from renting apartments on commission in NY. Yeah, sounds legit! And even then, half of the site is under a 99 year lease to Con-Ed.

Rep. Peter King, who opposes the mosque, said the developers seemed to be “operating under false pretenses.”

“I wonder what else they are hiding,” said King (R-LI). “If we can’t have the full truth on this, what can we believe?”

Brian Haner - Arizona

Sunday, August 8, 2010

For Obama Voters Only

spot the problem upcoming ....

Just checking.

What America Needs To Relearn -- Capitalism

Haiti needs capitalism --- Audio link

Define Debt

Remember the young voted for hopey changey, without a clue.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

I Want Your Money

A new film, I Want Your Money, is due out this fall. The movie lampoons Obama and the democrat’s socialist economic propaganda.

From the video:

I Want Your Money trailer…Set against the backdrop of today’s headline – 67% of Americans don’t approve of Obama’s economic policies, the film takes a provocative look at our deeply depressed economy using the words and actions of Presidents Reagan and Obama and shows the marked contrast between Reaganomics and Obamanomics. The film contrasts two views of the role that the federal government should play in our daily lives using the words and actions of Ronald Reagan and Barack Obama. Two versions of the American dream now stand in sharp contrast. One views the money you earned as yours and best allocated by you; the other believes that the elite in Washington know how to best allocate your wealth. One champions the traditional American dream, which has played out millions of times through generations of Americans, of improving one’s lot in life and even daring to dream and build big. The other holds that there is no end to the “good” the government can do by taking and spending other peoples’ money in an ever-burgeoning list of programs. The documentary film I Want Your Money exposes the high cost in lost freedom and in lost opportunity to support a Leviathan-like bureaucratic state.

Friday, August 6, 2010

The Broken Window Fallacy

Black Tea Partiers Speak Out

Nothing makes liberals heads explode more than tea partiers. But black tea partiers, atom bomb.


Sharron Angle's new ad ...

Thursday, August 5, 2010

USPS posts $3.5 billion quarterly loss as mail volume plunges

The U.S. Postal Service reported a $3.5 billion loss in its most recent quarter Thursday, as mail volume plummets and retiree health care costs mount.

The USPS, a self-supporting government agency that receives no tax dollars, said operating revenue declined 1.8% to $16 billion during the fiscal 2010 third quarter compared to a year earlier, while operating expenses spiked 4.2% to $19.5 billion.

Sunk?!? $14 billion loss a year? You decide.

Stuck Donkey

Oops sorry, didn't mean to see you:

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

EXPLOSIVE: New Video of Couric Mocking Palin on the Day She was Named as McCain's Running Mate!

Can you see the tie in with the absolute disaster the JournOlist was for journOlism? These liberal journOlistas have absolute disdain, if not hatred for Conservatives. You will never get a fair, unbiased interview from them.

Over the transom comes this video, off air warmup of stupid poopy head Curic as you knew she was:
 As you can see, the video shows Katie Couric preparing to go on the air on the day John McCain announced Governor Palin as his running mate. It shows some tantalizing hints of Couric’s attitude toward the Governor--when talking about first Trig, then Track, Couric says “where the hell do they get these [names]?...” At that point the producer running the sound board shut off the sound because he or she didn’t want to have Couric’s disdainful and contemptuous view of Governor Palin’s children captured on even an internal CBS tape that they never expected would see the light of day. You can tell this by the “OMG!” reaction of the CBS news employees who were in the control room as Couric said that about the Governor’s kids. This video also shows Couric taking a shot at female basketball players and at Governor Palin’s hometown, one of the fastest growing areas in the country, and the fifth largest city in Alaska.

There’s a larger story here, of course.

Missouri Rejects Obama-Commie Care By Near 3:1

Missouri voters on Tuesday overwhelmingly rejected a federal mandate to purchase health insurance, rebuking President Barack Obama’s administration and giving Republicans their first political victory in a national campaign to overturn the controversial health care law passed by Congress in March.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Obama Approval: Waning Support

Gallup: Only 41% of those surveyed Tuesday through Sunday approved of the way Obama is handling his job, his lowest rating in the USA TODAY/Gallup Poll since he took office in January 2009. In Gallup's separate daily tracking poll, his approval was at 45% Monday.

Read deep, only 38% of whites approve.

Only 36% approve of the way he is handling the Afghanistan War, you know, the war we are supposed to be fighting.

It's Going To Get Really Bad

As the Obama noise machine shifts into high gear, trying to steal America for the communists.

Eject, Eject, Eject!!!

Monday, August 2, 2010

Republicans Lay Down Their Marker ...

House GOP Leader John Boehner (OH) and Senate GOP Leader Mitch McConnell (KY) in FNC appearance:

Here is the link to the "Tread Boldly" document referenced.

Virginia AG Rules Police Can Check Immigration Status

This should bolster the hopes of state lawmakers who want to pass Arizona-style immigration legislation: The Virgina Attorney General ruled police can check immigration status of anyone stopped or arrested in the state.

Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli wrote the opinion at the request of State Delegate Bob Marshall, a Republican who hopes to enact stricter anti-illegal immigration measures.

According to his July 30 official legal opinion:
State and local officers are not required to stand idly by and allow such criminals to proceed with impunity. The same holds true with criminal violations of the immigration laws. [...]

Virginia law enforcement officers have the authority to make the same inquiries as those contemplated by the new Arizona law.  So long as the officers have the requisite level of suspicion to believe that a violation of the law has occurred, the officers may detain and briefly question a person they suspect has committed a federal crime.
The ruling does not authorize officers to make arrests for civil violations of immigration laws, unless they have been given authorization from federal authorities. The ruling will be considered law unless it loses a challenge in court.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Out Jiving with The Boys Again

Obowma without makeup ... Or mulatto in his natural habitat.

President of Kenya I presume?

President Barack Obama is dressed in casual clothes as he departs the 'Spy Museum' in Washington, Friday evening, July 30, 2010.

This Looks Pretty Dumb

Why does he do this?

Recovery summer vacation trip.